Girl Camp--it's both a place, and an annual weekend party for a group of bonded galpals who love to travel and camp together.
Girl Camp, the place, can fit in about 12 to 13 trailers--assuming Miss Patty is on hand to perform the valet parking task of squeezing them all in!
Once the gang arrived and set up for the weekend, the food and libations poured out of the trailers. (Girl Camp appears to be a non-diet zone.)
Check out these adorable cupcakes with tiny trailers on them!
The blow-up pool was a popular spot during the hot part of the day.
Some of the Girl Camp guests headed for the nearby reservoir, a beautiful body of water surrounded by towering firs.
Camp is really where it's at, though, because every guest had her own personal little world set up, expressing her creative side, and when placed side by side, they created a special place that no one really wanted to leave for very long.
As a distaff take on 'Man Cave'--the term used for shops, garages, and pole buildings used by guys--Girl Camp has the Girl Cave. It has a makeshift but very functional kitchen, vintage paint-by-number pictures on the walls, and a table and chairs for breakfast gatherings.
It even has an ironing board and an iron! This is Miss Mig, ironing letters onto her satin queen sash.
And here we have Miss Carolyn, dressed in vintage lingerie while sipping her morning java. At Girl Camp, there is no such thing as too much style.
The Girl Cave also serves as a place to do crafting. These faux gems and other baubles found their way onto the queen sashes created by the guests for Saturday night's Queens of the Trailer Park bash.
The back yard over at the Girl Camp Cabin was turned into a frothy, frilly Wonderland with yards and yards of white tulle, satin bows and pearls, fresh flowers, and hundreds of twinkling white lights.
Here is Miss Marie, making her grand entrance to the party zone.
Just how much fun did everyone have at Girl Camp 2012? The superlative to explain that may not yet have been invented!